Sunday, October 2, 2011

updaaate :)

Hii everyone!
I'm sorry that it took so long to update my blog. I've been busy, and time flies around here ;D
I'll try to talk as much English as I can in my blog, so that the American personss can read it too yeaah :)
What is the last thing I talked about last time? Harney Peak. The Harney Peak hike was lots of fun, but we never reached the top... because we got lost. Somewhere we took the wrong turn and we kept going down instead of going up. It took us a long time though to realise we were walking the wrong way, so we had to walk back up a lot. And we were toot tired then to go to the top lol.
Okay, I need to use Facebook and my personal diary to see what I've done so far, it's too much to remember ;)
August 28th we had a meeting with all the EF foreign exchange students in southwest South Dakotaaa. It was fun :)
Monday August 29th was my first day of school :) It was good. My schedule is:
-Modern US History
-Anatomy & Physiology
-English II/Speech
-Biology II
-Algebra III
-Creative Writing
My US History teacher is soo funny :) He dressed up as 'Declaration of Independenceman' and pretended to be a superhero and taught us about the Declaration of Independence that way lol. And when I got the 50 states right for the first time on my test he wrote 'Goed werk mijn leerling' on it! In Dutch! Awesomeness :)
Uhm, that week we had 4 days of school. (Which is every week!) but we had half days, BECAUSE IT WAS TOO HOT. Lol. It was around 40 degrees Celsius! And there's no airconditioning at school. So we were released at 1:30 pm every dayyy. :) We had 2 hours volleyballpractice per day. It is really hard when it is that hot... But I survived :)
September 5th was Labor Day, so we had no school that day. That meant that we only had three days of school that week ;) but we had full days. Labor Day I had a busy day :) First volleyballpractice, then teamlunch and then we went golfing :) & September 5th was the first schoolday for the Dutch peopletjes ;D How was it?? lol
Uhm, after that it is mostly school & volleyball lol :)
The games are fun ;D I really like it :) I've improved A LOT since the first practice, I'm proud of myself ;D
The freshmanteam (I'm in that team) hasn't got very much persons... We have 6 persons now that are able to play (well, next game probably 7) & one/two injured. But last week we only had 5 persons able to play.. and that's not enough for a team lol. Luckily we didn't miss any games :)
& what's more to tell?
that was awesome.
Monday and Tuesday regular classes, Monday it was oldies' day so I wore my 50's dress :)  tuesday was Generation Day, and I dressed up as a toddler. Twee scheve staartjes & my zeehondjesknuffelll <3 woensdag Pep rally --> elke sport had een praatje enzoo en etc. A big thing in homecoming week is showing your school spirit and stuff. the best class wins the Spirit Stick :)
wednesday float decoration, I helped with the senior float, was fuuun :)
and wednesday was also the parade, I was with the foreign exchange students on our own float, a bright yellow MUSTANG ;D how awesomee :)
it was fuuun, throwing candyy :)
thursday was the mock olympics, some weird games, it was fuun :) & in the afternoon we had regular classes. friday was the footballgame and the dance! ;D first Cassidy Sarah and I went golfing, and then we went to go get ready for the dance (just our hair) and then we went to the footballgame (which we won!! ;D) and then back to Sarah's house to get ready, and then to the dance!! It was fun, although the DJ kinda sucked and it was really different than I'm used to and than I expected.
Saturday was the volleyball fundraiser, the alumnigame :) it was fun to see coach Karina play lol
today was the first time I went to church, it was fine :)
love you alll <3 xxx